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World Teachers’ Day@CERN: Empowering Science Teachers

This year, join us in celebrating the World Teachers’ Day 2017 with a special event at the CERN Globe of Science and Innovation on 5 October.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


Matt Parker

For the very first time, we will welcome Matt Parker to CERN. Matt is a well-known stand-up comedian and mathematics communicator, or as he likes to call himself ‘Standup Mathematician’. Matt switched from being a normal high-school maths teacher to a nomadic maths speaker, giving talks about maths in schools around the world. He will share his favourite methods for capturing the attention of teenagers and engaging them in mathematics.

A panel of experts, moderated by Matt Parker, will take his cue to discuss what CERN does to empower teachers and to promote scientific education, especially within the CERN & Society programme and in the context of the United Nations’ 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development.

You can find more info on the dedicate webpage.

Kindly register as places are limited.