The old ATLAS "Small Wheel" will be transported from the Meyrin site to LHC Point 1 on Tuesday, 12 October between approximately 13.30 and 15.30 p.m. Its replacement, the New Small Wheel (NSW), will make the reverse journey on Thursday, 14 October, also around 8.30 a.m., in preparation for its installation in the detector in November.
This is the second and last of the NSW to make its way to the ATLAS cavern after the first one was installed this summer. These new iconic detectors are a critical part of the upgrade of the ATLAS experiment.
Given their size and the fragility of their components, these objects, measuring nearly 10 metres in diameter, will be entrusted to the company Friderici for exceptional transport. The Geneva cantonal police as well as Geneva Public Transport have been informed of these operations, which will probably generate some traffic disruption on the route de Meyrin / RD984F due to the temporary stoppage of traffic at CERN’s Gate B intersection.