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Selection of public events to (re-)watch at home

Everyone is encouraged to stay at home. Why not take this opportunity to watch the video recordings of the many events that took place at the Globe previously?

Friday, 27 March 2020


Taking part in the global effort to limit the spread of COVID-19, CERN has cancelled its programme of free and public events at the Globe of Science and Innovation as of March 10 and until further notice.

Everyone is encouraged to stay at home. Why not take this opportunity to watch the video recordings of the many events that took place at the Globe previously? We have prepared a selection for you, gathering eight conferences and debates from the past three years. 

Dark Matter Day


Dark matter: from the side of the infinitely small to the infinitely large

Cécile Renault and Sabine Crépé-Renaudin
French | 29 October 2019 

Dark matter is everywhere and yet it is elusive: five time more abundant than ordinary matter, it shapes our universe but has not revealed its identity yet. Our guests speakers invite you to discover what they know about this mysterious material and how, with giant detectors or powerful telescopes, they seek for it.


Searching for the hidden matter of the Universe

Marco Cirelli
French | 31 October 2018

Dark Matter makes up more than 80% of the matter in the Universe: we are certain that it exists, we can guess some of its properties, but we have no clue of its real nature. This is embarassing and forces us to humility: it is one of the most pressing topic in modern cosmology and particle physics. That's why a small army of researchers works and looks for clues every day.


Don’t be afraid of the dark!

Katharine Leney and Wessel Valkenburg
English | 31 October 2017

Invisible dark matter makes up most of the universe – but we can only detect it from its gravitational effects. Katharine Leney, Researcher on the ATLAS experiment at CERN introduces the evening and present the basic principles of dark matter using the dark matter cake; Wessel Valkenburg, Research Fellow at the Theory Department at CERN explains the how and why research is carried out on dark matter.

Information technology (IT) and artificial intelligence (AI)


30 years of the Web: meeting the pioneers 

Peggle Rimmer, Ben Segal, Jean-François Groff et al.
French | 12 March 2019

In 1989 the world’s largest physics laboratory, CERN, was a hive of ideas and information stored on multiple incompatible computers. Tim Berners-Lee envisioned a unifying structure for linking information across different computers. By 1991 this vision of universal connectivity had become the World Wide Web! Meet some of the actors who witnessed and participated in the creation of the World Wide Web


TEDxCERN – Pre-event panel discussions

Maja Pantic, Juan Enriquez, Joanna J. Bryson, et al.
English| 19 November 2019

Prior to the 5th edition of TEDxCERN, themed "An Elephant in the room", two panel discussions were organized. This event featured key speakers from TEDxCERN who addressed topics such as the digital human rights in a data driven world and  the ethics behind evolving humans - from DNA manipulation to human cyborgs.



Live-sketched conference: quantum physics taking shape

Thibault Damour and Mathieu Burniat
French | 9 December 2019

Quantum physics is all around us. It is the foundation of our present understanding of the laws of Nature. But the quantum world remains mysterious by suggesting that a particle can be in two locations at the same time, or that a cat can be both dead and alive. The live-sketched conference, made in duet by Mathieu Burniat and Thibault Damour, authors of the comic book "Mysteries of the Quantum Universe", will take you on a journey through the vertiginous multiplicity of quantum reality.


The future of the LHC: the High-Luminosity LHC

Peter Mattelaer, Lucio Rossi and François Briard
French | 4 September 2018

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is the largest and most powerful accelerator in the world. The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) project aims to crank up the performance of the LHC in order to increase the potential for discoveries after 2025. Stages of the project, construction, research: CERN scientists answer your questions.


The Physics of Antimatter

Hubert Reeves
French | 26 June 2018

Antimatter experiments are at the cutting edge of science. They are, however, very difficult to realise. Hubert Reeves discusses antimatter physics and how experiments in this field help to probe the fundamental laws of nature.

To go further… 

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Science and history


Information technology and artificial intelligence
