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“La nuit est belle!”: a light-free night for the Greater Geneva area

On 21 May, turn off your lights and enjoy nature

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Communication,Bulletin,Social Media
The Globe of Science and Innovation during the “La nuit est belle!” event in 2019 (Image: CERN)

On Friday, 21 May, CERN will be participating in the annual “La nuit est belle!” event, which involves switching off the lights throughout the Greater Geneva area for one night. This year is the second time that the event will be devoted to nocturnal biodiversity, in partnership with the French and Swiss “Fête de la Nature”.

The “La nuit est belle” project aims to raise awareness about the impact of light pollution resulting from excessive artificial lighting. No fewer than 150 communes on both sides of the border are taking part in the project. Local residents, shops and businesses are also encouraged to turn off their lights and make the night-time experience even more intense. Like in 2019, CERN will be joining in by switching off the lights, all evening and night, of the Globe, the Esplanade des Particules, Gates A, B, C and E, the roads and car parks on the Meyrin and Prévessin sites, and the SPS and LHC sites. Cyclists and pedestrians – make sure you can be seen in the dark! Car-drivers – stay alert!

CERN encourages you to join in at home as well: switch off your lights at the office and at home and make the most of the dark to do some stargazing. The date of 21 May has not been chosen at random: with the moon three-quarters full and spring in full swing, the conditions will be ideal for observing and listening to the wildlife at dusk. Follow the event live on social media via the hashtag #lanuitestbelle.

For more information, visit the website: https://www.lanuitestbelle.org