Girls in ICT Day

To celebrate Girls in ICT Day, CERN organises each year at the Globe a day of robotics and computing workshops for girls aged 6 to 14, tutored by CERN mentors.

Unplugged workshop at the Globe

How to program robots and interact with them? How are they used in modern science or at CERN? What’s inside a computer? Do computers think?

In order to celebrate Girls in ICT Day, CERN organises each year at the Globe a day of robotics and computing workshops for girls aged 6 to 14, tutored by Information and Communication Technology (ICT) engineers and specialists from CERN.

Whether you are an ICT fanatic or just curious, CERN specialists will introduce you to computer science and robotics in a fun, interactive and expert way!

International Girls in ICT Day, an initiative from ITU, aims to encourage and empower girls and young women to consider studies and car​eers in the growing field of ICTs.

Âge minimum
Âge maximum
Time of the year
End of April

Globe of Science and Innovation - CERN, Meyrin
How to get to CERN


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